24/7 Availability
Let students book appointments anytime, anywhere, through the accessible booking site.
Appointments makes booking one-on-one meetings easier with a 24/7 online booking site, saving time on phone calls and emails. With individual and flexible staff availability, students can easily find and schedule appointments that fit their needs.
Plus, seamless integration with calendars like Outlook Calendar, Google Calendar, iCloud, or iCal feed in Element451 ensures efficient scheduling and reduces conflicts.
Schedule admissions, advising, career counseling, and other important appointments 24/7 through our team of AI Advisors and Assistants.
Students, parents, and alumni can quickly schedule necessary appointments around the clock, receive timely guidance, and stay on track with their goals — even after 5 P.M. Our AI assistants have memory, and recognize the user, their academic journey, and outstanding appointments, ensuring personalized scheduling and saving time for students and staff.
Define and manage various appointment categories, making it effortless for students to connect with the right person and find the support they need. Whether it's academic advising, career counseling, or admissions interviews, the system provides tailored options, streamlining the booking process and enhancing the student experience.
No matter the appointment type, Element451 ensures success with automated reminders for all meetings.
Say goodbye to missed meetings with automatic reminders delivered straight to student inboxes or through SMS. Effortlessly track attendance, cancellations, and no-shows, gain invaluable insights to fine-tune operations, and allocate resources like never before.
Simplify appointment scheduling for busy staff — schedule, manage, and track appointments all in one place.
Let students book appointments anytime, anywhere, through the accessible booking site.
Enhance the student experience with intuitive scheduling that removes friction.
Seamlessly sync with Outlook, Google Calendar, iCal, and more.
Define and manage appointment categories for different types of meetings.
Say goodbye to missed meetings with email and SMS notifications.
Keep tabs on attendance, cancellations, and no-shows.
Gain valuable data for operational improvements and resource management.
Do it all with the only AI-first CRM for higher ed that engages students in a more effective and personalized way.