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Your Campus. One App.
Student Life.

More than a portal—it's your students' 24/7, AI-powered success platform, streamlining every step of the academic journey. No more fragmented systems, just an effortless, engaging experience.

Students need more than just a portal—
they need an intelligent hub.

Give them what they need, before it's too late.

All-In-One access. One app. One login.

From course materials to support services, make it all available in an intuitive, mobile-friendly interface.

24/7 Support. No office hours. No problem.

Offer around-the-clock help, answering questions, providing guidance, and keeping students on track.

Engagement at your students' fingertips.

Push notifications that deliver real-time updates, reminders, and alerts, ensure students never miss a beat.

Proactive student

Instant, automated interventions connect students with the right support when it matters
the most.


For Students.
Campus Life, Simplified.

Students are never more than a tap away from what they need. Check tasks, get support, stay informed—all in one place. No more jumping between apps or searching for answers. This is your campus, in your pocket.


For Schools.
The Ultimate Engagement Tool.

Unify your student engagement strategy. Offer 24/7 support, proactive interventions, and an all-in-one experience that keeps students connected, informed, and on track. It’s not just a portal—it’s the heartbeat of your campus.

Explore how StudentHub is transforming student engagement.

Watch The Launch Announcement
The Power of AI. The Simplicity of One App.

Why Intelligent Institutions
Choose StudentHub

Instant, AI-Powered Support

Students get real-time help 24/7, boosting satisfaction and reducing reliance on office hours.

Proactive Interventions

Automated, data-driven alerts mean you’re always a step ahead, catching at-risk students before issues escalate.

Efficiency Gains

Consolidate services into one platform, streamlining your processes, cutting costs, and simplifying student support.

Retention Boost

Engaged students are more likely to succeed. Create the connection that keeps them coming back.

Native Integration

Built to work seamlessly with the Element451 platform, massively reducing setup time.

Turnkey Solution

Ready to use—no complex integrations needed to get up and running quickly.

What's Inside StudentHub

One unified experience for student engagement and success


Your students' personalized home page, offering a central hub for all their essential information. Generative search guides students to answers for their most pressing questions.


Campus information centralized in one place, giving students quick and easy access to what they need—no more sifting through website pages, emails, or text messages.


Students receive around-the-clock support for every need, whether its connecting with Bolt AI Student Assistants or human support.


Students stay updated on important announcements, reminders, and actions through push notifications as well as SMS and email messaging.


Essential functions for logging in and out of StudentHub, and holder of the student's primary contact information.

My Network

Key support contacts—like advisors and faculty— are connected through a dedicated profile card, providing quick access to essential resources to help students navigate their academic journey.


Talk With Us

Element451 is the only AI-first CRM and Student Engagement platform for higher education. Our friendly experts are here to help you explore how Element451 can improve outcomes for your school.

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