Meet Chase
Your AI Career

What's an AI Career Advisor
An AI-powered digital advisor - included with the Element451 platform - that provides specialized, always-on career support to students. They're equipped with the necessary knowledge base to execute tasks according to their specific role.

Supporting students' career
journeys 24/7
Pre-built and skilled to meet all your students career development needs.
Resume Building
Helps create polished, professional resumes that makes students stand out.
Interview Prep
Provides guidance on how to ace interviews and make a great impression.
Job Search
Connects students with job opportunities that align with their career goals.
How do I get started?
Element451 makes it easy to stand up one - or a full team - of AI Assistants.
Build Your Team
Customizing your AI Assistants is as simple as it is powerful. With our intuitive interface, you can easily configure assistants like the AI Career Advisor to match your institution’s unique needs.
Watch It In Action
From the moment your AI Assistants are live, they start delivering results. Whether it’s connecting students with job opportunities or building resumes, they can handle tasks large and small.

Which assistant will you deploy?
Scale your team. Handle any student inquiry. With Bolt Assistants, you can quickly deploy any assistant from the platform or custom build your own.