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Generative Search. Hanging the Open Sign on your Digital Front Door

by Michael Stephenson · Sep 17, 2024

How Generative Search Keeps Students Engaged

Your website is your digital front door. But what if that door is hard to open? Discover how Element451's Bolt Discovery revolutionizes student engagement with AI-powered, context-aware search that boosts connections and conversions.

Introduction: The New Standard in Student Engagement

A prospective student visits your university's website, eager to explore your programs. They type a query into the search bar, but after several frustrating attempts and no helpful results, they leave empty-handed.

This isn't just one student's experience—it's a common issue across higher education institutions nationwide.

In our digital-first world, your website is your "always-on" campus expert and most powerful marketing tool. When it fails to deliver, you’re not just losing visitors—you’re losing potential students.

The Challenge: Navigating Information Overload

Here’s the hard truth: Your website might be sabotaging your recruitment efforts.

Every day, prospective students visit college websites, only to be overwhelmed with an avalanche of results or, worse, the "No results found" message. A massive 500,000 hits might sound impressive, but which one truly answers their question?

Traditional search tools are falling short:

  • 74% of higher ed pros report website search as a top management challenge.¹
  • Outdated search results frustrate potential students.¹
  • 71% of visitors find search functionality more important now than in 2016.¹
  • Poor navigation and slow load times are major reasons students abandon a website.²³

Why does this matter? Today's students expect seamless, responsive online interactions. Every failed search is a missed opportunity to connect and engage. Can you afford to lose students to a frustrating website experience?

The Solution: Bolt Discovery's AI-Powered Search

Bolt Discovery isn’t just a search upgrade; it's a complete reimagining of how students interact with your website.

Key Features:

  • Semantic Understanding: Comprehends the intent behind queries for relevant results, even for complex questions.
  • Direct Answers: Provides immediate, concise responses instead of just a list of web pages.
  • Conversational Flow: Suggests follow-up questions, keeping students engaged.
  • Multi-Format Integration: Processes information from web pages, documents, and videos within a single knowledge base.
  • Multilingual Support: Engages international students in their preferred language.
  • Always Up-to-Date: Syncs with your knowledge base to ensure accurate, current responses.

Bolt Discovery transforms every interaction into an opportunity to showcase your institution’s value and nurture each potential student.

Real-World Impact: Enhancing Student Journeys

With Bolt Discovery, you can significantly enhance various aspects of the student journey, tailoring the experience to meet their needs:

  • Admissions: Instant answers about program requirements and deadlines.
  • Financial Aid: Clear information on scholarships and aid options.
  • Campus Life: Insights into housing, clubs, and student activities.
  • Program Discovery: Detailed exploration of majors and courses.
  • International Support: Information on visas and services for global learners.

The possibilities are truly endless. Whether you want to offer virtual campus tour information, explain the intricacies of your unique programs, or provide guidance on student organizations, Bolt Discovery can handle it all.

Bolt Discovery

See Bolt Discovery in Action

Replace traditional web search with real-time, personalized recommendations tailored to student interests.

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Strategic Benefits for Your Institution

When integrated with Element451's AI-First CRM, Bolt Discovery revolutionizes your digital engagement strategy, offering:

  • Increased Conversions
    Turn more website visitors into applicants with a seamless, frustration-free experience.
  • Enhanced Brand Perception
    Create a modern, user-friendly experience that showcases your institution's commitment to innovation.
  • Data-Driven Insights
    Use the Bolt Discovery Insights Dashboard to understand student interests and pain points, supporting personalized outreach.
  • Seamless Data Flow
    Automatically enrich student profiles in your CRM, supporting personalized outreach and providing a more complete understanding of student needs and interests.
  • Powerful Lead Capture
    At strategic points in the discovery process, trigger information request forms, capturing valuable lead data that are seamlessly added to your Element451 CRM.
  • Streamlined Processes
    Reduce the burden on admissions staff by automating responses to common queries, allowing your team to focus on high-value interactions and personalized outreach.

Empowering Students with Bolt Discovery

For students, Bolt Discovery means:

  • Time Savings: Quick access to relevant information.
  • 24/7 Support: Information anytime, accommodating different schedules.
  • Informed Decisions: Compare programs and explore campus life with ease.
  • Personalized Guidance: Receive tailored information and suggestions based on individual queries and interests
  • Collaborative Exploration: Share entire Q&A threads with parents, guardians, or counselors, fostering more informed discussions and inclusive decision-making
  • Reduced Stress: By providing clear, immediate answers, Bolt Discovery can alleviate much of the anxiety and uncertainty associated with the college search process
  • Language Support: For international students, the ability to interact in their preferred language can make the entire process more accessible and less intimidating

Easy Implementation, Powerful Results

Implementing Bolt Discovery is designed to be straightforward and impactful, regardless of which deployment option you choose:

  • Rapid Setup: Whether you're embedding Bolt Discovery on your website, using it as a standalone tool, or integrating it with Element451, the setup process is quick and efficient
  • Customizable Knowledge Base: Easily input and update your institution's information to ensure accurate, timely responses
  • Scalable Solution: Start with critical areas like admissions or financial aid, then expand to cover your entire digital presence as you see the impact
  • Ongoing Support and Optimization: Benefit from Element451's dedicated support team to maximize the impact of Bolt Discovery at your institution
  • Measurable ROI: Track key metrics like engagement rates, conversion improvements, and staff time saved to quantify the impact of Bolt Discovery

Conclusion: Transform Your Digital Front Door

In an era where digital experiences can make or break a student's decision, can you afford to let poor search functionality be the reason students look elsewhere?

Bolt Discovery is more than an upgrade—it's a game-changer for student engagement. By turning every interaction into an opportunity, it sets your institution apart and guides students toward an informed choice about their future.


  • Carnegie Higher Ed, "The State of Site Search on Higher Ed Websites" (2023)
  • EDUCAUSE, "2022 Students and Technology Report: Rebalancing the Student Experience" (2022)
  • Agile Drop, "Key Components of a Higher Ed Digital Experience" (2023)
About Element451

Element451 is an AI-first CRM and Student Engagement platform for higher education. Designed to simplify and personalize every interaction across the student journey. Welcome to the era of student-centric engagement.





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