FSCJ Student Perspective

by Erin Newton · Updated Aug 03, 2021
Remote learning during pandemic with Robin Price

“Back in March 2020, we thought we were only going to be out for a month,” Robin Price explains. “As a graphic design major, I’m on a computer most of the time anyway. I thought I’d be ok. But, the burnout is real. I found out that human connection, that face-to-face interaction, was critical.”
She wasn’t alone. She saw how her fellow students felt the weight of the pandemic: “This last year, students were still going to college, but they weren’t getting the college experience.”
Robin is more than the average college student. She’s also a leader in student government. They tried their hardest to get their fellow students involved in campus activities while staying safe. They held their annual Spring Fling, but virtually, by sharing funny photos, making masks and giving out swag bags. Students also really appreciated their Pandemic Pets program. They gave out teddy bears holding the campus helpline. Robin says this made students feel seen and heard. Every small interaction was important.

“As a graphic design major, I’m on a computer most of the time anyway. I thought I’d be ok. But, the burnout is real. I found out that human connection, that face-to-face interaction, was critical.”

Robin recommends adding virtual tours to recruitment plans because not all students can travel to visit campus. Her experience with Florida hurricanes canceling plans makes her think this is relevant even after the pandemic. She says, “Have an animated person who can talk while walking and hyping up your campus.”
She wishes college leaders knew that all learners are different and many are struggling financially: “Not all students have computers. I know some who have terrible Internet and struggle to participate in class. People have lost work. If you want to retain students. There have to be more ways to pay for school.”

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