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Transforming Admissions and Athletics Recruitment at University of Valley Forge

The University of Valley Forge (UVF) is a mission-driven institution focused on preparing individuals for lives of service and leadership in the church and the world. With a strong emphasis on community and teamwork, UVF sought to streamline and enhance their admissions and athletics recruitment processes. The collaboration between admissions and athletics departments at UVF, facilitated by the Element451 platform, provides a compelling example of how technology and strategic partnerships can drive institutional success.

The Problem

UVF faced several challenges in aligning their admissions and athletics departments to create a more productive recruitment process. These included:

  • Communication Barriers: There was a need for improved communication between admissions counselors and athletic coaches to ensure a consistent and effective recruitment strategy.
  • Fragmented Data: Maintaining separate systems for admissions and athletics led to fragmented information, making it difficult to track and manage student interactions effectively.
  • Cumbersome Processes: The existing systems and processes were not streamlined, causing inefficiencies and delays in student recruitment and onboarding.
Improving student recruitment by aligning admissions and athletics

Solution and Implementation

Unified Communication Platform

A single platform for both admissions and athletics to manage and track student interactions, and allow for real-time updates and access to all relevant student information.

Customized Workflows

Custom workflows ensured that each stage of the recruitment process was clearly defined and automated where possible, including creating specific labels, triggers, and communication protocols to manage student progress from initial contact to enrollment.

Enhanced Data Utilization

Detailed student profiles captured all relevant notes from both admissions counselors and coaches, providing a holistic view of each student and facilitating more personalized communication.

The collaboration facilitated by Element451 has transformed our recruitment process. The ability to streamline communication and manage information efficiently has been a game-changer. Our coaches and admissions counselors are now truly working as one team.

The Results


Enhanced communication and collaboration between admissions and athletics resulted in a more cohesive and effective recruitment strategy.


Automated workflows reduced the manual workload, allowing staff to focus on strategic tasks, while AI provides personalized student engagement.

Higher Conversion

The unified platform and improved communication led to higher conversion rates from application to enrollment.

Positive Student Experience

Prospective students experienced a smoother and more engaging recruitment process, reflecting positively on UVF's reputation.

Get Started with Element451

If you're looking to transform the student application process and bring teams together, explore the powerful capabilities of Element451 and see how it can help your institution achieve similar success. Schedule a demo with our experts to learn more. Empower your institution to create meaningful, personalized, and engaging interactions with students today.

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