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5 Ways Student-Centered Enrollment Makes Admissions Easier (and Better)

Fewer steps, a rapid turnaround, and more convenience are what we crave in today’s digital-first world. But that seamless, digital experience has not transferred to higher ed. Learn how to integrate that seamless, digital experience into admission to give students a uniquely personalized experience.

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Young woman on a laptop. Charts and graphs surround her.

Swipe, Tap, Submit: The College Experience Goes Personal to Boost Enrollment

More than 20 million student journeys inform the machine learning models in the Element451 CRM platform. They tell us that a cohesive, student-led digital experience drives engagement. Learn how to connect with today's students amidst one of the most significant shifts in the history of higher ed.

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Transformative Engagement

Schools partner with Element451 when they want no-code marketing and engagement software that transforms their student recruiting and enrollment experience.

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"We have been able to eliminate five different technology partner relationships because the Element451 platform has so much robustness to it."

"Element451 has really revolutionized the way that we engage with our students."

"Element451 has been the catalyst to allow the traditionally siloed areas to better collaborate and has allowed for revolutionary change in our business processes."

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