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Modern Updates to Higher Ed Document Management

by Sirley Carballo · Updated Oct 20, 2022

Document Management in Higher Education: The Old Way vs. New Way

Higher ed administrative processes have made vast strides over the past several decades. In keeping up with technological advancements, many colleges and universities have revamped document management strategies as part of a broader digitization effort.

Despite major improvements in student records, a lot of individual departments still need better tools and resources in order to move from the “old” way to the “new” way of process automation. Depending on different factors (including available budget, resources, and time), some schools move more quickly than others.

If your college or university is still seeking confirmation that now is the right time to migrate to modern processes, this post is for you. We’ll compare old methods with newer techniques so that you can put together an even better document management system.

The Old Document Management System

Most colleges and universities interact with hundreds (if not thousands) of students and families on a daily basis. In addition to outside communication, internal staff and team members rely on accurate information and documentation to perform their jobs well. As a result, educational institutions have had to transition from antiquated document management to newer, more contemporary ones.

Yet some schools may still operate in a hybrid approach, combining older methods while updating many others. If so, you might recognize some of the older and more established document management processes.

  • Paper forms – Traditionally, most administrative tasks have been handled through paper forms. These might be related to different offices throughout campus, including Financial Aid, Admissions, the Registrar, or academic departments. Students and staff alike could take advantage of printed paper forms when necessary.
  • Manual spreadsheets or documents – Without a comprehensive student management platform (such as a campus-wide CRM software), teams have to create documents and spreadsheets with programs like Microsoft Word, Excel, or other office-related software.
  • Legacy booking systems – Colleges and universities also run a variety of events throughout the year, including campus tours and admissions programs. To accurately schedule these visits and events, many schools could rely on physical invitations, manual calendars, or older booking programs.

Pros of Manual Paperwork and Admin Processes

Although you won’t hear us readily advocating for keeping an entire process behind the times, there are a few reasons why some colleges and universities prefer to go the manual route. In the right context, these could be viewed as perks or benefits.

  • Less lift on upgrading – Keeping manual processes the same means less investment in activities that involve migrating, training, and onboarding. Keep in mind that there is always a trade-off in investment and experience.
  • More hands-on control – Physically speaking, paper-based document management processes can provide the satisfaction of doing everything by hand. While this might create confidence for those who distrust certain online or cloud-based systems, this sense of control and oversight tends to run its course as an organization grows. 

Cons of Older Doc Management Systems

Even though sticking to well-known systems can appear helpful on the surface, the benefits don’t often last long. This is particularly true as higher ed institutions grow and scale and as they work to enroll more students who have modern expectations.

  • More hassle for “end users” – In the case of higher education, the end users associated with many of these older processes are students. With paper forms that require signatures, students are often asked to carry a completed form from one office or department to another. In situations where a campus is spread out, this process can become a hassle and lead to mistakes.
  • Data risks – With paper processes, forms and student files can always be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed. Without proper storage, it’s easy for critical information to go astray.
  • Lack of flexibility and innovation – There’s no hiding the truth: paper forms simply aren’t the path for the future. Technology moves quickly and if schools want to align with the expectations of students and families who are familiar with digital experiences, outdated systems need an eventual upgrade.

New Methods of Document Management

The goal for any new document management tool should be to streamline and simplify processes so that they are more effective, productive, and secure. Many digital tools are now online, browser-based, or cloud-based, although some local desktop options may be available in some scenarios. 

To stay current and competitive, colleges and universities are turning to newer methods of doc management, which have ripple effects for students, staff, and community members. These methods can incorporate any of the following implementations.

  • Admissions Application Software – By being able to offer application options in one place, schools can send, collect, review, and process applications in a digital format. This information automatically syncs to a student’s individual record without losing or misplacing any associated documents or attachments.

  • Cloud-based data storage – Higher education institutions can now join other types of businesses and organizations in hosting data on the cloud. This solution reduces the need for physical on-site storage and expands possibilities as schools increasingly need access to more data.

  • Collaborative document management – With online or browser-based office tools (like Google Drive or Microsoft Office 365), multiple departments can collaborate safely online through shared documents, spreadsheets, and messaging tools.

Pros for Updated Doc Management

With newer document management strategies, schools have the ability to shift, grow, and evolve. Now, innovation and digitization are more essential than ever as schools seek to enroll the current generation of students and connect with their families. 

Other benefits of using updated document management systems include:

  • Eliminated manual administrative work (especially tedious processes)
  • Better data visibility across departments or teams
  • Improved user experience (from a technical perspective) for both students and staff
  • Ability to scale with an increasing number of enrollments
  • Greater digital and remote control over existing systems
  • Reduced pain points and frustrations with older, outdated document methods
  • Enhanced storage, sharing, and security capabilities

Cons of Modernizing Administrative Systems

Depending on a school’s budget and available resources, one con of upgrading to newer document management systems is the need to invest. Whether this is a one-time purchase or a monthly subscription, schools may need to redirect funds or shift priorities.

Other downsides might include the need to offer training on new processes. Employees, students, and staff members who are accustomed to older methods may face a slight learning curve as new measures are slowly adopted.

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Why Schools Need to Upgrade

Upgrading to the new way of document management isn’t always optional. If your school is facing major data frustrations, workplace bottlenecks, or issues for students when it comes to paper records, making the change is a critical step at helping everyone with a vest interest. 

Consider the following reasons for upgrading your document management techniques. 

Student Experience

Removing hurdles to students’ success is one of the hallmarks of a great institution. When students have to face cumbersome document management, they might be deterred from enrolling or staying enrolled. 

Today’s generation of students are also technologically savvy. They’ve grown up with digital processes, and they’re comfortable using those systems for academics and personal needs. By offering them the most modern document management processes available, you’re bringing the student experience in line with current demands.

Data Security Concerns

Businesses and consumer organizations aren’t the only institutions at risk of data breaches and privacy concerns. In 2020, higher education institutions witnessed a 30% increase in the amount of cyber attack activity. Believe it or not, student data is at risk around the clock, with cyber criminals looking to gain instant access to many public educational systems.

If your chosen document management tool is on a legacy application or software, you may be unknowingly putting student data at risk. When you upgrade, you’re taking proven steps to mitigate future attacks and build student trust over sensitive data. 

Competitive Advantage 

Students and their families aren’t simply comparing academics, athletics, and social activities when they consider new schools. They’re also taking a careful look at how easy it is to complete processes, submit applications, get information, and more.

When your document management tactics are as modern and up-to-date as they can be, your school has a better chance at standing out among the competition. Students are looking for helpful and practical experiences at every level, and this includes how easy it is to create, share, and access the data found in documents.

Find Smart Solutions for Document Management Software

At Element451, we know that making any type of change to your existing workflow can feel like a huge step in terms of digital transformation. That’s because it’s not just one party or individual that’s affected. When you revamp a system like document management, you’re looking at making vast upgrades in a variety of departments and offices around campus.

Fortunately, Element451 is a modern student enrollment and marketing platform that makes upgrading to new and better processes a breeze. With automated features, student personalization options, and secure student data all in one place, moving to the current technology is better and easier than ever.

Step Up to Modern Processes and Workflow Automation

As your higher education institution caters to incoming students in the digital age, it’s essential to offer a document process that communicates your school’s purpose and values. When you prioritize an excellent user experience, you’ll invest in modern processes that exceed expectations and create trust and transparency. 

Not using Element451 yet? Book your demo today to jumpstart your school’s journey to better processes. 


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