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An image of a Black female student smiling, holding her phone and laptop. A chat pop-up box showing a conversation between a student and a staff member.

Top 6 Recruiting and Engagement Challenges—and How to Beat Them

We’ve rounded up remedies to six of the challenges our partner schools experience most and the actionable tips you need to overcome them.

Read the Guide
A white male student and a Black male student leaning up against windows wearing backpacks and holding notebooks and laptops.

7 Creative Ways to Increase College Enrollment

Explore seven creative methods to increase college enrollment numbers. You’ll find practical solutions to help build your enrollment strategy on a foundation of success.

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Young woman on a laptop. Charts and graphs surround her.

Swipe, Tap, Submit: The College Experience Goes Personal to Boost Enrollment

More than 20 million student journeys inform the machine learning models in the Element451 CRM platform. They tell us that a cohesive, student-led digital experience drives engagement. Learn how to connect with today's students amidst one of the most significant shifts in the history of higher ed.

Read the White Paper
Case Studies

See our partners thrive.

Southeast Missouri State University logo

"We have been able to eliminate five different technology partner relationships because the Element451 platform has so much robustness to it."

"Element451 provides an excellent CRM along with trained staff to assist with the planning, implementation, and training to customize their product to the unique approach of each individual school."

"Element451 has been the catalyst to allow the traditionally siloed areas to better collaborate and has allowed for revolutionary change in our business processes."

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Enroll more students with the first-ever student-centered engagement CRM.

Photo of Rita Winthrop