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Workshop: How Great Engagement Campaigns Are Made

by Sirley Carballo · Updated Jun 27, 2022

We're one month away from En­gage Sum­mit 2022, and time is run­ning out to reg­is­ter for in-per­son or vir­tu­al at­ten­dance.  

If you've not reg­is­tered, you can register here

To­day, we want­ed to an­nounce our key­note speak­er, Wan­da Pogue.  

Wanda Pogue
Global Chief Strategy Officer

Pogue is the Glob­al Chief Strat­e­gy Of­fi­cer at Vayn­er­Me­dia, ar­guably the best new me­dia agency on the plan­et.  

Her key­note is on the pow­er of co­horts and our abil­i­ty to make prospects fall in love with our schools through cus­tom mes­sag­ing and cre­ativ­i­ty.  

She'll show us how to craft a lev­el of en­gage­ment that brings hu­man­i­ty and em­pa­thy to our cam­paigns and al­lows us to de­liv­er mes­sages that speak au­then­ti­cal­ly to our stu­dent au­di­ences.  

A true mas­ter­class on en­gage­ment.  

We do not want you to miss out on this and all our oth­er talks dur­ing the Sum­mit.  

Reg­is­ter now, and even if you can't join in per­son, you'll get ac­cess to the vir­tu­al streams for all our great speak­ers, in­clud­ing Wan­da. 

Breaking Through: How Great Engagement Campaigns Are Made

As brand leaders, it’s important to recognize that the market is not a monolith. Schools—like brands—need to recognize the differences within our incredibly diverse world and reset the ways in which they create content

One of the biggest opportunities to achieve this is for us to rethink traditional segmentation models and instead identify a wide range of consumer “cohorts” that might exist and be an opportunity for their brand. 

Cohorts are defined as nuanced and unique addressable groups of current and potential consumers/customers, thoughtfully identified and designed to maximize relevance for the brand. The better we can define the many various cohorts for each brand, the better we can understand, create, target, design, and have meaningful and consistent dialogue with them.

This level of consumer centricity and engagement brings a layer of humanity and empathy that allows us to deliver tailored messages that speak directly and authentically to specific groups. And that enables stronger innovation, utility, and impact. 

By truly understanding the diversity of the consumers we serve, we can increase relevance and affinity, and what marketer doesn’t want that?

Wanda PogueGlobal Chief Strategy OfficerVaynerMedia

Engage Summit 2022 Is Almost Here!

Two days of practical knowledge and networking for admissions, marketing, and enrollment professionals who want to put the student at the heart of everything they do. July 26+27 in Raleigh, NC or virtually.

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It's free because you deserve it.

The Element451 Engage Summit is happening July 26th and 27th in beautiful Raleigh, North Carolina, and we'd like you to join us for this session and many more. While flights and hotel rooms still need to be paid for, the Summit is 100% free. Our way of saying thank you for all that you do.

Join us in Raleigh to hear our team in person and learn from other experts, or tune in virtually. In-person spots are limited so grab yours now!

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